Page 57 - Annonce Dergi | İzmir Özel Saint-Joseph Fransız Lisesi
P. 57
Chess is a worldwide-known game, its been around for Fischer made numerous lasting contributions to chess. His
more than 1500 years. During those 1500 years, there has book My 60 Memorable Games, is regarded as essential
been several grand masters. Bob Fisher however, was one reading in chess literature. In 1990s, he patented a modified
of the greatest chess players of all time or you can say the chess timing system that added a time increment after
best one known to mankind. each move, now a standard practice in top tournament and
match play. He also invented Fischer random moves which
Bob Fisher was born in March 9 1943. He won 8 US were incredibly useful and pretty popular.
Chanpionships at the young age of 14.He became a grand
master in 1958. In 1964 he won with a 11-0, the only
prefect score in the whole history of the tournament.
Mina Ada Kocabaş
After an another great chess match against Tigran Petrosian,
Fischer won the title match against Boris Spassky of the
USSR in Iceland. Known as a Cold War between the US
and USSR, the match gained more worldwide attention
than any championship ever since.
1975, Bob Fischer refused to defend his title when an
agreement could not be made with chess’s international
body, over the conditions. Accidentally the challenger
Anatoly Karpov was named the World Champion. Fischer
suddenly disappeared from the public eye, even though
reports of erratic behavior emerged. 1992, he reemerged
to win an unofficial rematch against Spassky. It was held
in Yugoslavia, which was under a United Nations watch
at the time. His participation led to a conflict with the US
government, which warned Fischer that his participation in
the match would violate an executive order imposing US
sanctions on Yugoslavia. The US government ultimately
issued a warrant for his arrest, Fischer lived as a homeless
man in the woods. In 2004, he was arrested in Japan and
held for several months for using a passport that the US
government had refused. Eventually, he was granted
Icelandic citizenship by a special act of the Icelandic
parliament, allowing him to live there until his death in