Page 48 - Annonce Dergi | İzmir Özel Saint-Joseph Fransız Lisesi
P. 48



        Marine biology is the study of living organisms in the   Marine biology also involves research on how oceanic
        ocean and other saltwater  environments. It is a branch   changes, such as temperature rises  and acidification,
        of biology that focuses on understanding the plants,   affect  marine  life.  These  changes  can  disrupt  food
        animals,    and  microorganisms  that  live  in  seas  and   chains and harm species,  making it essential for
        oceans. Marine biologists study how these  organisms   marine biologists to find solutions to protect marine
        interact with each other and their environment, as well   ecosystems.
        as how they adapt to the  unique conditions of the
        ocean.                                                 To sum it all, marine biology is an important field of
                                                               study that helps us understand and  protect life in
        The ocean is an immense, complex ecosystem which       the oceans. It plays a critical role in environmental
        covers more than 70% of the Earth’s  surface. It       conservation and in  addressing the challenges posed
        provides a habitat for a huge variety of species, from   by human activities on marine ecosystems. Through
        the tiniest plankton to the  biggest whales. Marine    their  work, marine biologists contribute to preserving
        biology is important due to the ocean plays a key role   the balance of life on Earth.
        in regulating                                          Melike Celebcioğlu 9-A

        the Earth’s climate, producing oxygen, and providing
        nutrients. By studying marine life,  scientists can gain
        insights into how the ocean affects life on land and
        how humans impact  the ocean.

        Marine  biologists  often  study  different  types  of
        ecosystems, such as  coral  reefs,  mangroves,    and
        deep-sea environments. Coral reefs, for instance,
        are  known  as  the  “rainforests  of  the    sea”  as  a
        consequence of their high biodiversity. They are home
        to  many  different  species  of    fish,  coral,  and  other
        organisms. Considering these ecosystems is important
        for  conservation    efforts,  especially  because  many
        marine species are threatened by human activities like
        pollution, overfishing, and climate change.

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