Page 51 - Annonce Dergi | İzmir Özel Saint-Joseph Fransız Lisesi
P. 51
The masks were made from fabric, wood, and cork.
They enhanced the actors’ voices, allowing for better
projection due to the structure of the mouth openings.
The masks’ large, open mouths acted like megaphones,
amplifying both expression and sound.
Masks were typically made with sharp facial features,
exaggerated expressions, and symbolic elements. For
instance, a mask could represent a goddess, a hero,
or a villain, conveying essential characteristics to the
audience without the need for dialogue.
Gender roles were also an important detail; women
Behind the Masks: were not allowed to perform in theater, so male and
female masks were necessary to distinguish genders.
The Mask in The entrance of female characters into theater was
made possible by two playwrights, Phrynichos and
Ancient Koerilios.
Beyond these features, masks contributed to the
ritualistic and ceremonial aspects of Greek theater,
Greek Theater linking performances to religious festivals and creating
a sense of belonging to another world. The mask, as
ancient as human history, has manifested in every
phase of theater and continues to evolve with it. This
factor has helped bring out and advance the artistic
Since the dawn of humanity, people have brought spirit within people, and it is still used today.
stories to life through drawing or role-playing, turning
this into a cultural practice. Greek theater is a theatrical The great works of theater and architecture created by
tradition that developed in Ancient Greece between humanity have survived to this day.
550 BC and 220 BC. The oldest known Greek theater The surviving works include seven plays: Aias,
is the Theater of Dionysus in Athens.
Antigone, King Oedipus, Electra, The Women of
Thrace, Philoktetes, and Oedipus at Colonus.
The Greeks produced three types of plays: comedies, The architectural remains can be found across six
tragedies, and satyr plays. At the beginning of a play, countries: Greece, Turkey, Italy, France, Egypt, and
a chorus consisting of 15 to 25 members would come Libya.
onto the stage to introduce the story through music,
dance, and songs. After the chorus’s introduction,
the actors would appear and engage in dialogue. In
addition to the chorus, no more than three actors were Selen Ateş
allowed on stage, and since one actor often played
multiple roles, they had masks and costumes that they
changed throughout the performance. But what were
these masks?