Page 39 - Annonce Dergi | İzmir Özel Saint-Joseph Fransız Lisesi
P. 39


          Sometimes we are not able to understand things,  At that point of time will you be able to express
          neither internal or external. To have the capacity  and listen to yourself, without being haunted
          to explain, you need to listen to your own self  over the idea of not being understood, or being
          first, which is the thing we usually fear the most.  understood. For you had been understanding
          We will understand the human race, the moment  yourself the whole time. From the start, to the

          we start understanding ourselves.                      end, you had been comprehending the process.
                                                                 Being able to fathom the meaning of goodness
          At least, the first step to understand them all will  or badness, gives one an uncontrollable strength.
          have been taken. Their implausible minds, the  There is a saying that you cannot know yourself
          lies and the deviltry that they had been able to  fully. Yet, you cannot know anyone.
          squeeze into their brains, that they carry, will
          seem horrendous at first. For real, is it necessary  Many parts that hadn’t been touched, nor

          to be bad, to live in this fate? Is it acquired to let  discovered, must be surely existing inside of the
          the demon release their venom into our curves?         human soul. Parts that haven’t been understood
                                                                 nor heard.
          As a matter of fact, we all contain a considerable
          amount of badness. Everyone is good and                                                         Derin Akol
          everyone is bad. Sure, a state will come, and
          someone will step on the feeling that you are
          condemned to be left alone in the depths of your
          soul. It is that moment, that you become a human

          too, a human that can be squeezed into its own

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