Page 43 - Annonce Dergi | İzmir Özel Saint-Joseph Fransız Lisesi
P. 43


          If I had woken up earlier, maybe would I have finally been
          able to shy away from the perpetual resurgence of blinding
          beams. Maybe could I have caught the fleeting, bittersweet
          fruit of our nights with the shimmering thread of time,
          before its loyal and flamboyant acolyte arrived to replace it,
          much to my regret. If I had woken up earlier, then and only
          then, would I have had the time and leisure to go wander

          around the Eden that subsists between the worlds. Under
          the taunting caresses of the lonely, twinkling constellations,
          I  would  have  pampered  the  whimsical  flowers  of  off-
          handedness. And perhaps, in that moment, I would have
          found you, source of all my dreams.

          Beside the glorious rose adorned with dew drops, I would
          have found you to the effigy of the most beautiful of flowers.
          I could have once again quenched my soul’s thirst with the

          beauty of your traits; run my fingers through the silky web
          of you long, flaxen hair; cradled your weary hands, abused
          by your torments, in the depths of my being. In my tears, I
          could have rediscovered the eyes of the one who had once
          entranced me. I would have embraced you, thorns and
          all,  and  together we  would  have  picked  the  fruit  of  your
          hopes... Surely, that could have happened if the relentless

          rise of time had not shackled me with fear, day after day. But
          maybe tomorrow, will I finally wake up early, earlier, early

                                                   Clara Kaysal

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