Page 7 - Annonce Dergi | İzmir Özel Saint-Joseph Fransız Lisesi
P. 7
chatted for a bit. She told me to wait a second and that also frightened.
she had something for me. So, I did. She ran off into the -So this is it. She said. I couldn’t make out whether it was
back and came out with yet another CD she had thought curiosity, disappointment or mockery in her voice.
I would like. But then she said something that caught me
off guard; -After you. I said as I held the door open for her. We went
up the stairs that lead into the room.
-I want to see it.
-Welcome home.
I didn’t understand at first.
She had already started looking around, carefully
-See what?
inspecting every little detail from the stains on the couch
-The lighthouse, we’ve known each other for twelve to the leaky faucet. Then she went over to the ribbon like
years. I think I deserve to see your home. window that sealed everything together. Her eyes grew
wider like she couldn’t believe her eyes.
-Why would you want to see the lighthouse?
-Look at that view.
- I want to see why you would want to live there, plus we
could get to know eachother better. To be completely honest I don’t think I had ever looked at
I was baffled, why would she want to see it after all these the view like she did until now. It was truly breathtaking.
On one side you could see the deepest blue ocean lit
years and I thought we knew each other pretty well. But by the lantern of the lighthouse, on the other, it was
I didn’t want to upset her, she was the only person I liked an endless chain of hills covered by trees of countless
to talk to and I didn’t want that to change.
shades of green. She had made me see the beauty that
-What time do you get off? It was a quarter to eight p.m. I hadn’t been able to see in the past twelve years
right now.
-If you like this you should come check out the view
-In an hour, wait…are you really going to take me up upstairs…oh and take your coat. I helped her up the
there? ladder.
-Well, you just said you wanted me to, did you not? Take a She couldn’t believe her eyes. I laughed at her reaction.
coat, it’ll be cold. We’ll be there by ten o’clock and I’ll drive She was the first to make me laugh in a very long
you back tomorrow evening. time.
I didn’t know what came over me. I had never let another -What do you think?
person into the lighthouse before. I wasn’t sure if it was
tidy enough for guests, I didn’t even know what tidy -It’s incredible. She looked like she could cry while she
enough for guests meant. What did it mean? was shivering from the cold.
-Let’s get back inside, I’ll make you some tea.
For years the lighthouse was my sanctuary, locked
away in no man’s land, all mine. Was that bad? I -I would like that.
thought to myself. I didn’t know. I actually didn’t know. We got back inside and I put on the kettle.
Had I protected my peace a little too hard? What was
I supposed to do now? The room wasn’t clean, every -I get it now.
belonging I ever had was all over the place, the faucet -What do you get?
was leaking, the mirror was stained so was the couch. It
was embarrassing, but there was no going back now. She -I get why you would want to live here. Who wouldn’t
wanted to see where I lived and I couldn’t say no because want to wake up to this view? She said as she was
I didn’t want to hurt her. I didn’t want to hurt anyone, getting comfortable on the couch. It was a little past one
that was the whole point. I was rambling to myself about a.m.
all sorts of reasons why I shouldn’t let Sherry see the I went back over to the counter to get the tea ready but
lighthouse but kept coming up empty handed. I watched when I turned back, she had fallen asleep. She looked
the hour hand chase the minute hand in the clock that peaceful; I gave her a blanket then walked over to the
very obviously came with a magazine on the faded yellow window.
wall of the only grocery store of this very small town. As I
kept on listing everything wrong with the lighthouse the I wanted to wake up tomorrow morning.
minutes passed and before I knew, the entire hour had
Duru Şengöçmen
-I’m ready.
-Oh, alright, let’s go then.
We got in the truck and I started driving. I put on the new
CD she gave me and kept driving through the night until
we made it to the giant striped tower. She got out of the
car, walked around a little bit. She looked fascinated but