Page 32 - Annonce Dergi | İzmir Özel Saint-Joseph Fransız Lisesi
P. 32
Migration Crisis
Migration is as old as human history. According to my country, especially among the immigrants without
research, the history of international migration dates the inspections due to humanitarian values, especially
back to ancient times. Starting from the 19th century, in the early days of intense immigration. After 2011,
states organized immigration policies and they made this is the proof for the terrorist actions in our country.
laws about it. The biggest reason for migration is Immigrants should be allowed to live in agreement
the economy and safety issues. The reasons for with the rules and laws of the country they come
the migration of people, historical conditions and from, learn our language, and all immigrants should
geographical features are also important. In the 17th be registered and criminally followed.
and 18th centuries, it was shaped by immigration,
colonialism and slavery. In the 20th and 21th centuries,
it has become an issue for nations to control migration.
Turkey has been a country that has received a lot of Nilsu Tang
immigration since 2011. According to researchers, it
has become the most immigration receiving country.
The state should be able to control the migration and
the role of state policies should be on agenda. Today,
all states in the world are faced with the issue of
controlling migration. Uncontrolled immigration can
lead to economic, military, cultural, social and safety
issues. States must always be regulatory, dominant
and supervisory in international migration.
There has been a huge wave of migration to Turkey
due to the Syrian war that started in 2011. The staying
period of the coming immigrants has caused problems
in the follow-up and control. Changing their places of
residence, not being able to follow up or disrupting
them socially and culturally causes security concerns.
The immigrant population, which has increased
considerably, has increased the potential of terrorist
organizations to recruit members. It is known that
members of terrorist organizations seeped into our