Page 36 - Annonce Dergi | İzmir Özel Saint-Joseph Fransız Lisesi
P. 36
Black Sabbath is the band responsible for creating thanks to Tony’s reputation from his early days as a
heavy metal as a music genre with guitarist. To further explain the situation; Tony was an
excellent guitarist with a bright future until one day in a
their diabolical songs and overall aesthetic as a band.
But how did it happen ? how did Factory related accident he lost the tips of his middle
and ring fingers. Later he was told by his doctors that
4 young men from England changed the music industry he couldn’t ever play guitar again but what a surprise
? he did. He cut pieces of plastic and attached them
To answer this question we must Go back to the year to the tips of his fingers replicating the parts of his
1968 when the band was formed by 4 individuals fingers that he had lost. They have played many gigs
who knew each other from school; Tony Iommi, Ozzy earning a bare living and changing their name once
Osbourne, Geezer Butler and Bill Ward they formed again to avoid getting confused with another band,
a band because for them the only career paths naming themselves the polka tulk blues band until one
ahead were either becoming a worker in a Factory or day Butler came to the band with an idea for a song
becoming musicians at first all of them took the first about an apparition he had and so the band blended
path since forming a band isn’t a walk in the park and the idea Butler had with Ozzy’s lyrics and Tony’s
wasn’t approved by one’s parents so they all had their guitar riffs creating the song Black Sabbath. The
time working as a labourer. For example Ozzy used song was so powerful for them that they changed the
to work in a Factory producing car horns for 12 hours band’s name to Black Sabbath inspired by the 1963
a day. It was only later when Ozzy was fired from his Boris Karloff film. And from that moment on the band
job for lazing around that he had the idea to form a became famous for many reasons such as Ozzy biting
band. This idea of his was heavily influenced by the a bat’s head off in a concert to them being criticized
fact that he was a Beatles fan. After seeing how 4 because of their satanic appearance. Though there
factory workers just like him were able to escape that is one thing that we can’t deny is that they changed
life of work the Industry influencing many other metal bands such
as Metallica,Megadeth,Iron Maiden or artists who
He made up his mind and started distributing adverts produce very different genres of music such as Kanye
by hand all around the town he lived in and for a while West.
there was nothing. But one day there was knock on
the door so he opened it and saw his friend Geezer
Butler and Tony Iommi standing in front of him. At first Yekta Ege Keskinel
Tony was hesitant to form a band with Ozzy because
he thought that he was a sore loser and a freak but
he eventually had to give in since they were no other
bands that had the audio system Ozzy had and after
recruiting Bill Ward they formed the band and named
it Earth who played blues and started touring around
England in Tony’s old bus trying to find gigs and even
though they had a hard time at first they found some