Page 7 - Annonce Dergi | İzmir Özel Saint-Joseph Fransız Lisesi
P. 7

leaving for the city about 200 miles down south, it only
        The Bus Stop                                           had six passengers. A couple that had been visiting the

                                                               girl’s father, one that was going back to college with

        The weak light of the singular street lamp in sight that   two others that were his friends and a woman I hadn’t
        barely lit down by its post flickered like it always did.   seen before.

        Like clockwork, I thought to myself.                   I  don’t  really  ask  questions  to  those  buying  tickets
                                                               except for their destination but people tend to tell me
        It would flicker, one, two ,three, four seconds would   about  the  journey  they  would  be  making  anyways.
        pass and you would see the dim glow in its glass cover   That’s how people are, isn’t it. They are like a delicate
        that looked like it had been decades since it was last   flower that you need to water twice a day while making
        cleaned, blink and startle the one moth dancing around   sure it gets enough sun but also stays in shade. You
        it.                                                    never know what they’ll tell you and most times you

        I  checked  my  watch,  it  was  9.26  p.m.,  nine  more  don’t  want  to  know  but  they  have  a  way  of  forcing
        minutes  for  the  last  bus  to  leave  and  fourteen  more  the useless information about their tiny lives into your
        minutes until it was time to leave. I was the only one at  brain.
        the bus station which in reality was just a small place   But this woman didn’t.
        with two benches and a broken vending machine.
                                                               I didn’t know who she was, like I said this is a small
        I was standing right outside of the dirty glass door with   town everyone knows each other, it was unnatural yet
        a light up push sign that had a broken U.              intriguing to see a stranger.

        There wasn’t really anyone else in eyesight, just the   The engine started running, it was time to get home. I
        cars that passed by as they splashed muddy rainwater   locked the door and walked over to my bike chained
        onto the sidewalk.                                     to the electric post just across. I didn’t even know why

        Five minutes left.                                     I chained it, there was no use for it. No one would or

        I stared on to the road and realized how disorganized it   could steal it, like I said everyone knew each other.
        was with  all the potholes that had to be filled. This was  I watched the bus as it pulled away from its parking
        a small town, there weren’t that many people working  spot and slowly got on its way. The minute it was out
        to make it look good.                                  of sight I got on my old sort of rusty bike and started

        Sometimes I felt like one of those potholes, like the   heading home.
        ones that started small and continued to expand as all  It had been four years since I had started working at the
        the cars went over them, the ones with the cracks all  bus stop. It was really the only place I could work at

        around. The longer I looked into them the more I felt  ever since I moved back.
        at peace, like Alice  falling through the rabbit hole. The   It’s not easy to find work here, it’s a small town where
        hole made me think of a rock thrown into the water and   everybody already has something to do, to get a job
        the cracks all around it looked like the little waves the   either you would have to come up with a new business
        rock created.                                          idea  which  would  be  practically  useless  because  the

        Suddenly the road was illuminated by the headlights of  newest successful business here opened fifteen years
        a passing pickup truck. That’s what all the vehicles that  ago or somebody else would have to leave their current
        went through this town did, pass through. The bus was  job. Just like Old Man Al left his for me to start selling

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