Page 20 - Annonce Dergi | İzmir Özel Saint-Joseph Fransız Lisesi
P. 20


        I quickly get in my apartment and close the door
        tightly. After putting a chair beneath the door knob,I
        sit down on the ground. I’m sweating like crazy. I can’t
        breathe under my winter coat made of pure feathers.
        I am cold at the  same time, I am  trembling while
        hugging myself hesitantly. What have I done, what
        sin did I commit to be born as this form of a living
        being? Man is the most wretched form to be on this
        earth and being an ugly one is just worse. Although
        being an ugly man and suffering in poverty is just
        worse. And what is worse than that is to be poor and
        to be evil. Well,unfortunately I might as well be all of
        the above or none at all. I am in such misery that I
        don’t even know who/what I am. I may be more than
        one person at a time and I might as well be nobody.
        Too many ideas flow through my head.I don’t know
        which one is actually mine and which one are other
        people’s judgements. I have always based my life and
        my being as a person on other people’s thoughts. I
        forgot what I really think or do I even still have the
        ability to think should be the question. I am trapped
        between what’s real or not. Am I even real? Or Am
        I only based on other’s beliefs? And that brings the
        question: “Are other people’s beliefs real?” to mind.
        Or maybe we are asking the wrong questions. What
        is the definition of reality anyway? Is it what we see
        or Is it what we believe is real? Everyone will have
        different answers to this one. So does that make the
        term of reality unreal also? My nose starts to bleed
        from the stress of simply using my brain. I look at my
        bloody hand as I make no effort to clean it. I feel like
        I’m feeling everything at once but I also feel like I am
        numb. I feel dizzy as I open my mouth to vomit. Once
        again I make no effort to keep things clean because
        what does it even serve If our mind isn’t clean? I fell
        to the ground and let out a cry…

                                                 Ayşegül Şar

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