Page 21 - Annonce Dergi | İzmir Özel Saint-Joseph Fransız Lisesi
P. 21



        A  little  girl  was  trying  to  discover  and  make  sense  of   the age of 17 until his death at the age of 35. She has
        the world in her life journey with music. From her early   always considered Mozart as her classical music idol, who
        years, she was accustomed to the sound of Mozart’s     he started his music career at preschool age, written his first
        masterpieces. Later on, she memorized his music, while   opera, written his first opera Apollo et Hyacinthus, K. 38 at
        she read about the great composer and traveled to the 18th   the age of 11. While he was 17, he was already known as
        century from Minuet in G Major to B Flat Major through a   a professional musician having positions in various cities
        wonderful journey by learning more about classical music   he has worked. He settled in Vienna when he was 25 and
        with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.                          started to produce his greatest work until his early demise.

        As she was developing her communication skills and getting   At the age of 6, he performed his first concerto at the age of
        more proficient in using the language, she has discovered an   11. After his first opera, he traveled all over Europe. At the
        interesting relationship. There was a wonderful connection   age of 17, he performed a musical about the life of Wolfgang
        between language and music. She realized it while watching   Amadeus Mozart, a famous idol.
        the musicals.
                                                               Mozart, L’opéra Rock is a musical in French language
        During her learning journey with music, she first identified   based on a book by Patrice Guirao and Attia and François
        the connection while watching the stage musical Annie. The   Chouquet.  Lyrics  were  written  by  Vincent  Baguian  and
        musical is based on a novel Annie: An Old-Fashioned Story   François Castello and music was composed by Dove Attia,
        written by Thomas Meehan with the inspiration of Harold   Jean-Pierre Pilot, Olivier Schultheis, William Rousseau,
        Gray’s 1924 comic strip Little Orphan Annie. The book has   Nicolas Luciani, Rodrigue Janois and François Castello.
        been adapted into a musical by Charles Strouse and Martin
        Charnin. It has produced numerous productions in many   She has watched the musical with French subtitles as part
        countries, as well as national tours, and won seven Tony   of  language  learning  efforts  and  it  was  the  second  time
        Awards, including Best Musical.                        she has realized the connection between language and the
                                                               music, after getting the idea while watching Annie in English.
        At the time of watching Annie, she was in the process of
        improving  her  English  language  proficiency.  Thus,  words   Watching Mozart L’opéra Rock confirmed her opinion that
        and turning them to sentences corresponded to reaching   language and music have many similarities.  Language
        melodies via individual notes.                         and music are both governed by a structural approach. A
                                                               grammar  that  defines  the  rules  of  how  the  elements  are
        Having great interest in learning other languages her next   hierarchically organized and used. In the language words
        target after English was French and similarities of words   are turned into expressions which lead to sentences and
        between  two  languages  would  provide  a  significant   sentences make paragraphs that constitute the texts and
        contribution to her learning process.                  speeches. Similarly, in music, notes create sounds, when
                                                               multiple notes  are played simultaneously, they create a
        After learning fundamental aspects of the French language,   new sound reaching harmony. Series of notes played in a
        she also searched for musicals that could help her master   succession with harmony results in a melody expressing
        the language better and provide her with entertaining   the message of the composition. The rhythm provides the
        opportunities via listening to music as well. During her search   pattern for sound to reflect the emotions via sounds.
        she found about a French musical about her childhood   Therefore, in order to understand language or music, readers
        acquaintance, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.                 or listeners must deduce the structure of the passages or
                                                               melodies they read or hear using the knowledge of the rules
        The musical is named as Mozart, L’opéra Rock and it    they have acquired via their previous experience.
        focuses on the life of the great composer beginning from

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