Page 25 - Annonce Dergi | İzmir Özel Saint-Joseph Fransız Lisesi
P. 25
What is artificial intelligence? and I’m strongly in favor of the idea of jobs gonna
Artificial intelligence is defined most simply as disappear because of chatgpt. Because chatgpt is
systems that imitate human intelligence to perform already doing the work that professions should do,
certain tasks and can improve themselves by so in that case business owners or bosses prefer
repeating the information they collect. We can to use chatgpt to salaried employees. They think
say that artificial intelligence has advantages, like why should we pay someone when there is
but I think it is also possible to say that artificial something which does our work for free.So it’s bad
intelligence has disadvantages too.I think one of for our future jobs.
the biggest example for that is:it helps us for our 10 years ago, if you had said that a robot would come
works in life time, it makes much more easy to and teach lessons in the classroom, everyone would
do them.But for disadvantages ı think there is so laugh at you, but about a month ago, a teacherless
many of them to talk about. For example in the near classroom was opened in London. There are only
future we don’t know what’s gonna happen or we students in the classroom and the robot that teaches
are not gonna be able to predict it because day by them. This is one example of disappearing jobs and
day everything with something new is happening putting them in danger.
because of artificial intelligence.Its growing with So in conclusion there is the fact that I can’t deny
non stop, in some situations we don’t even feel safe that artificial intelligence is a part of our life and we
because we don’t know if we’re getting filmed or aren’t going to be able to change it but at least I think
voice recording because this kind of things happen we should find a way to use artificial intelligence in
unseen with telephones or any other technological a more positive and useful way as long as it’s in our
devices with the help of ai, so I think we should be lives.
careful with them. İNCİ ONUR
I think you might have heard of the words above.
With the help of artificial intelligence these kinds of
things also appear in our life.
suddenly it came to our life and everyone knows
it and use it in any places, situations and even in
some jobs .Also as a student we sometimes use it for
some research or some essays.But for me I strongly
refuse to use chatgpt, it may concern some jobs to
disappear because of it. As I said it’s growing day by
day and we don’t even know what chatgpt can do in
the near future but it knows what’s gonna happen