Page 22 - Annonce Dergi | İzmir Özel Saint-Joseph Fransız Lisesi
P. 22
This amazing relationship also paved a new pathway for
learning other languages: similarities and common roots As expected, the interaction among languages is not limited
of words among different languages. She discovered this to musical terminology.
interaction while learning English and listening to Annie that
time. Similarities between some Turkish and English words The word people comes from Middle English people,
appeared like the familiarity of sounds in the music. She has people, borrowed from Anglo-French pople or poeple, dates
started to look for the roots of the words and it helped to back to Latin word populus meaning a human community.
learn new words more easily. This connection also indicates the relationship regarding
the meaning between people and population even though
She has benefited more from this relationship among they seem somehow different in their derived forms. Such a
languages while learning French after English. French knowledge and approach sound significantly advantageous
language has more common words with both English and to learn new vocabulary.
Turkish than the latter two has between.
As anyone could easily guess, the list of acquired words
The dictionaries mentioning etymology of the words, which in English is very long like any other language spoken by
she used to look for the meaning of the words only, have people for hundreds of years and subject to international
now become more meaningful to her. Dictionaries were no relationships. The emphasis of given examples is to provide
longer waiting on the shelves of libraries to be checked the connection between transfer of words among languages
once a new word is faced. She has a preference for printed and musical art among different cultures as well as indicating
dictionaries due to using photographic techniques to making the learning of new words much easier if the roots
remember new words. Now it has become more fun to learn are known.
from those comprehensive dictionaries as the etymology
information indicating roots of the words are also part of the In addition, structural similarities between language and
learning process rather than complimentary texts making music in terms of having grammar, harmony and melody,
the definition longer. Starting to learn the roots of the words languages are nourished by acquiring words from other
has also been an advantage for correctly guessing the sources like transfer of melodies and rhythms among
meaning of new words based on similarities with words in different cultures.
other languages. The connection was wonderful.
Having realized these aspects of language and music made
She has started with words related to music and was her more interested in searching for details in these areas
amazed about how the words travelled between languages and strengthened her foundation of language proficient as
similar to sounds traveling from instruments to ear. well as musical experience. When she learned the root, she
had the key to open the door to dozens of words. She could
The word music in English is derived from Middle English decipher words she did not know beforehand by recognizing
musik, which comes from Anglo-French musike that was their structure in the same way she could follow the melody
acquired from Latin musica rooted from Greek mousikē of a musical piece via its harmony and rhythm.
meaning any art but specifically harmonic speeches by the
Muses, inspirational goddesses in Ancient Greek mythology. There is no end to learning in like nor limitations to learning
methods. Finding out about the structural similarities about
Musical, the term derived from music is also rooted in other language and music, having interest in musicals as a learning
languages and transferred to English. Its path follows Greek material opened a new door for her to conquer vocabulary
mousikē to Medieval Latin musicalis to Old French and of any language.
then Middle English as musical. This path also shows that
derivations occur in any stage of transfer among languages, One can find endless possibilities to achieve learning goals.
in this case it happened in Latin. Determination and persistent trials are keys to success.
Just like harmony of notes paves the way to successful
Another musical term in English rooted in ancient Greek is composition of music.
melody. Its root is Middle English melodie, acquired from
Anglo-French, transferred from Late Latin melodia, comes Dilara Dağlar
from Greek melōidia meaning singing or chanting and
combination of two words, mélos, “musical phrase and
aoidḗ, song.