Page 29 - Annonce Dergi | İzmir Özel Saint-Joseph Fransız Lisesi
P. 29

Dusty Shirt                                            time. People who cannot afford those brands
                                                               or want to buy more products with the same
                                                               amount  of  money  because  they  do  not  care
                                                               that much about the quality of materials. They
                                                               prefer the brands that produce equivalents of
                                                               those luxury brands with lower price and poor
        Do  you  keep  up  with  fashion?  Let’s  say  you     quality.  One  of  those  brands  is  the  one  that
        do, doesn’t it bother to buy the latest fashion        everybody knows which is Zara.The companies
        products before it goes out of style and leave it      like Zara had analyzed this situation and found
        to get dusty in your closet after wearing it just      a really clever solution for purchaser and very
        a  few  times?  Nowadays,  İt  is  a  situation  that   beneficial marketing strategy for companies.By
        happens frequently in our generation. Without          producing products similar to those of luxury
        noticing it we are involved in one of the world’s      brands  have,  and  also,  producing  products
        biggest and dangerous problems which is “Fast          that purchasers like at a cheaper price. Lower
        Fashion”.                                              price and being capable to buy similar products

                                                               that  they  saw  on  the  internet  or  on  famous
                                                               people make the brand advanced. By the time
        In order to sell more products with minimum            companies developed this strategy and found
        cost, companies started mass production and            a way to increase their profits which is “Mass
        made their products with poor quality materials,       Production”  ,they  release  so  many  collections
        thanks to that their costs would decrease and          in a year. Producing so many products quickly
        their profits would increase. In addition, bring       per  year  increases  their  selling  percentage.
        the latest fashion trend products to purchase          This  process  was  not  limited  to  companies
        quickly and renew them constantly to increase          only.  The  biggest  and  most  difficult    step  is
        their selling percentage. That causes so many          to  gradually  manipulate  the  purchasers,  take
        fashion  trends  who  do  not  have  a  long  term     control  and  adapt  them  to  this  fast  fashion
        effect. With this strategy purchasers don’t think      change.Quick designed , it will probably quickly
        of the necessity of the product and go for the         deliver cost-effective pieces of clothing because
        latest  trend  items.  Purchasers  need  to  shop      of  (or  expectation  of)  quick-moving  customer
        constantly  because  fashion  changes  quickly         requests. The reason is that purchasers need
        and they do not buy the main thing they need.          a high design for a minimal price. In addition
        When  the  purchaser’s  situation  is  combined        to this, the pressure in society to keep up with
        with  the  mass  production  and  cost  reduction      fashion while having their own style and trying
        of  companies,  ıt  creates  one  of  the  most        to  constantly  update  their  image  products
        dangerous industries of the current time: “Fast        cannot be ignored.

                                                               If  the  brand  has  successfully  manipulated
        The  magnificence  of  Chanel,  Prada  or  Gucci       buyers  then  the  company  starts  to  produce
        collections and fashion shows, is it just because      more.Otherwise, mass-produce could bankrupt
        they have a reputation for being luxurious and         the  brand.  There  are  some  different  ways  to
        their  high  prices?  The  actual  reason  is  their   manipulate  the  purchaser.  One  of  the  most
        products are high in quality and never go out          important ones is that clothes are designed to
        of style because they have been designed with          feel  slightly  off-season  so  industry  confirmed
        craftsmanship without worrying about cost and          micro-trends  rather  than  long  term-trends.
        strive  to  expertly  produce  the  highest  quality   With that, there is always a tension in industry
        product  in  the  market  which  takes  a  long
                                                               such  as  producing  popular  items  and  finding

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