Page 34 - Annonce Dergi | İzmir Özel Saint-Joseph Fransız Lisesi
P. 34


        Paris is renowned for its architectural richness that is surrounded   request of Emperor Napoleon III. Haussmann eliminated many
        by stunning streets, deep-rooted neighborhoods which tell the   of the city’s maze-like streets and removed more than 12,000
        story of an era and the ’La Seine’ being the heart of the city. One   medieval structures during this dark time when Paris was filthy,
        of the reasons why Paris is in such high demand is the different   overcrowded and infested with disease. He redesigned the city
        styles of buildings that shape the French capital. From Baroque   with a network of wide, stately boulevards, built 40,000 new
        opulence of the ‘Château de Versailles’ to the influence of Louis   buildings and cleared  space for  Les  Halles  marketplace  and
        XIV extended of the major urban planning projects such as the   the Palais Garnier. They were designed to fit certain standards.
        ‘Place de Victoires’ through the modernist touches of the 20th   Buildings required to be between 12 and 20 meters high, marked
        century, each style of buildings has witnessed these architectural   by dormer windows and mansard roofs, which had to be angled
        changes from the 1400s to the 21st century. Paris has developed   at 45 degrees to allow the maximum amount of sunlight on the
        but never with ostentatious skyscrapers, Paris has a great place   streets below. You can see the greatest concentration is in the 8th,
        in today’s world with its superior vision and artistry and proves   9th, 10th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, and 20th arrondissements
        that we          skyscrapers to thrive.                in Paris.

        From the past to present, Gothic architecture is the most popular   Today’s modernity is represented by the cities like New York,
        style of French architecture. In this era, the decoration is very   Dubai and Shangai which have immense skyscrapers as a
        ornate and detailed. It is characterized by powerful structures   symbol of progress and growth. Even though its flashy buildings
        with pointed arches, rib vaults, stained-glass windows and flying   dazzle our eyes, these cities are far from the real architecture
        buttresses. The most popular architecture of this period is the   art based. Paris, which is different from countries that associate
        iconic Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. The style is     its development with luxury, of course has some architecture in

        impressive and spectacular. Today, we can still find examples of   this direction. The centre Pompidou, is a region that represents
        this period , and it shows that Gothic architecture is a period   today’s modernity with its modern and industrial design.
        extremely powerful among other architectural periods.  After   However, while Paris adapts to modernism, the city never loses
        French Gothic, Parisians are moving into a new era: Renaissance.   its historical values. That region limits luxury in the city and
        It replaced French Gothic architecture between the 15th and   also prevents irregular urbanization that may occur in the future.
        17th centuries. ‘The Hotel de Ville’ in the city hall of Paris is   Unlike cities that rely on vertical expansion, Paris, blends history
        a splendid example of this period. The characteristics include   and future and creates a magnificent architecture.
        symmetry and proportion, repetitive facades, sloping roofs and   As we can see, big buildings are actually big nothing. Paris
        stone or brick buildings. These buildings still preserve and give   demonstrates that it invests in the richness of its cultural heritage
        Paris a different value. It proves day by day that the source of its   and architectural artistry and at the end of this it proves that the
        development, unlike other countries, is not glass skyscrapers of   city can thrive without skyscrapers. The timeless beauty of its
        hundreds of floors.                                    buildings, from Gothic cathedrals to Haussmann boulevards,
        The Haussmann style of architecture, which is also known as   shows Paris does not lose its identity and preserves its cultural
        Haussmannian,  is  the  architecture  that  has  defined  modern   heritage. Contrary to what is thought, Paris is not only evolving
        day Paris, and is probably what you think of when you picture   in today’s modernism, but also retaining its unique character. In
        Parisian streets and their charming apartment buildings. In the   that way, Paris proves that progress is not about reaching for the
        19th century, Baron Georges-Eugène Haussmann, a Parisian   sky, maybe sometimes we have to preserve what’s already here
        official with no architectural background, restored the city at the   on the ground.
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