Page 30 - Annonce Dergi | İzmir Özel Saint-Joseph Fransız Lisesi
P. 30

the latest trends items. Since the micro-trends  All  in  all,  fast  fashion  is  a  big  and  dangerous
        consist of short-term and pieces that will lose  industry  that  manipulates  the  people  by
        their population and change quickly, companies  managing fashion, quickly changing trends and
        increase  their  profits  while  purchasers  fall  increasing  its  income  by  producing  excessive
        into  a  big  money  sink.  As  a  result  of  rapid  and  poor  quality  products  and  worsens  the
        changes,  the  product  has  become  obsolete  economy of buyers. Additionally we do not let
        quickly  because  something  else  is  popular  at  the company’s make up our mind and we have
        that time so they throw those old pieces away  to  be  aware  of  this  situation  by  making  our
        and begin a mission to find that new product.  spending with thinking logically. Consequently,
        They start to spend so much money for those  since  this  marketing  strategy  depends on  the
        products without noticing that it is unnecessary  manipulation of the buyer, we can weaken this
        spending. Because products that they bought  dangerous industry by raising the awareness of
        do  not  address  their  needs,  there  will  always  the buyer and start buying long-term pieces.
        be products that need to be bought. This gives
        them the right to shop and it is very harmful for
        their economy.
                                                                                                 Sudem Tülümen

        What to do?
        First thing to do is analyzing the products we
        have  and  determining  the  needs.  Since  our
        needs are our priority when we are shopping,
        we  can  research  them.  If  we  don’t  know  our
        needs,  when  we  need  to  buy  a  sweatshirt
        however we like the t-shirt more we genuinely
        buy  both  or  prefer  to  buy  the  t-shirt  but  we
        already  determined  our  needs  in  advance  so
        we do not make such inconsistencies.
         Another trick is, when we find a product that we
        like  we  should  ask  ourselves  some  questions
        such as “Do I have any clothes like this or can
        I combine this piece with pieces that I already
        own?” , “Is this a product that I can use in the
        long term?”. There are two different categories
        for long-term products: one is that they are out
        of fashion, the other is that the product is of
        quality that can be used for a long time. With
        these, the quality of the product is so important
        and it must be risk-free, classic, timeless pieces
        in terms of fashion. The difficulty to make up
        the minds of buyers increases for companies.
         These tricks help to spend more logically, be
        aware  of  the  product  purchased  and  to  ease
        the budget.

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