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The Gaia Hypothesis

          Gaia, The Mother Earth                                 The hypothesis has taken its place not only in science but
                                                                 also in the cultural field. For example, in Asimov’s Foundation
          This  hypothesis  is  named  after  the  goddess  Gaia,  who  Series, the subject is Gaia, a planet shares the common mind.
          was  called  the  mother  of  the  earth  and  the  gods  in  Greek  Also,  in  the  Avatar  films  directed  by  James  Cameron,  the
          Mythology. ‘’Mother Earth’’ with its other name, symbolizes  tree, a living organism named Eywa, is said to be the heart
          the earth and is the mother of all living things. According to  of the planet. And this theory has been the subject of many
          the creation myths in Greek Mythology, Gaia is today’s earth.  books. One of them is ‘’Gaia Theory’’ written by French writer
          In these writings, Gaia created Uranus as the sky, followed by  Maxime Chattam. Instead of directly mentioning Gaia Theory
          the oceans, seas, rivers and everything else. The person who  in this book, the author has included his own comments in the
          suggested the name Gaia to this hypothesis is William Golding,  book and presented to the reader with a fiction.
          best known for his book ‘’Lord of The Flies’’.

                                                                 Human And Gaia
          The Birth of The Hypothesis
                                                                 According to the hypothesis, Gaia is our world and is a living
          In  1972,  British  scientist  James  Lovelock  put  forward  this  organism. Even if the hypothesis is still not true, the effects of
          hypothesis as a result of his research to determine what life  us humans on the world are visibly evident. Over the centuries,
          would be on Mars. After his research, James Lovelock revealed  as Gaia has been recuperating on its own, we humans have
          that the earth is trying to maintain its own balance, just like  been deteriorating day by day, and her weakening has been
          living things and regulates itself. In summary, Lovelock thought  the cause.  Maybe Gaia doesn’t want to keep her own children,
          that the earth was a superorganism and was struggling to keep  us alive, while slowly consuming it. In times of epidemics such
          itself in balance. But for people who think the hypothesis has  as Covid, some scientists thought that Gaia had recovered a
          some shortcomings, the hypothesis has also been published as  little.
          a book called ‘’Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth.’’
                                                                 We  harm  our  own  essence,  upsetting  its  balance.  We  are
                                                                 trying to kill the creature that keep us alive, we bring our own
          The View of Scientists                                 end. I think this is best explained by Xenophon: ‘’The earth is
                                                                 a goddess and she teaches justice to those who can learn, as
          The hypothesis has been criticized by many scientists since it  long as she treats her well, she gives good things return.’’
          was proposed by Lovelock. Some scientists have argued that
          this hypothesis is far from scientific. They thought that some                                    Tuna Yalçın
          societies had been in the belief system for many years and
          that it might be a kind of religious belief. However, besides the
          criticism, this hypothesis has been used in many branches such
          as geophyciology, biogeochemistry and systems economics.

          Tobby Tyrrell, who has written a comprehensive book on the
          Gaia Hypothesis, has argued that this hypothesis, along with
          uncertainly, can lead to many new ideas about the earth.
          Representation Of the Hypothesis in The Cultural Domain

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