Page 11 - Annonce Dergi | İzmir Özel Saint-Joseph Fransız Lisesi
P. 11
Nurturing Nature
So, you say you’re under a curse? So, what? So, is the Iron Town as well. This shows that if we humans keep
whole damn world? Is the world really under a curse hurting nature, which is our biggest nurturer in order
or is the so-called curse just humans being blatantly to develop, we will end up doing nothing but hurting
oblivious? Is the Earth really dying or are we killing it? ourselves.
The Studio Ghibli Movie Princess Mononoke explores The movie ends with San and Ashitaka returning the
the adventure Prince Ashitaka on a journey to lift the head of the forest spirit, stopping the goo spreading
curse of a boar who had been turned into a demon due from his lifeless body from killing both the animals
to being shot with an iron bullet manufactured by the and the humans and showing everyone that humans
troops of Lady Eboshi who are trying to kill the forest are dependent on nature and that they have to learn to
spirit to produce more Iron. coexist with it.
The movie centers around the greed of humans who do The message of the award-winning film by Miyazaki
not think of anything but their own gain. Ashitaka meets is that if humans kill nature they will inevitably kill
San who is Princess Mononoke and he convinces her themselves. The movie is even more meaningful now,
to work towards stopping Lady Eboshi from expanding after twenty-six years since its release, that we are
Iron Town and towards lifting his curse. dealing with an environmental crisis. The world is
dying and people still think that we will save humanity
The residents of Iron Town believe that killing the by going to space or approving a project to drill for oil
Forest Spirit in order to kill the forest as a whole will in Alaska hence the Willow Project. We see nothing
benefit them not realizing the role nature plays in but economic gain not realizing that if we kill the one
human life. They manufacture dangerous firearms to planet we have money will be meaningless.
which the animals can’t defend themselves against.
We need to wake up and advocate for change, the clock
In the movie Lady Eboshi symbolizes that is ticking. We won’t get anywhere by being selfish. It is
industrialization and humanities need to always get time we start returning the favor by nurturing nature
ahead of themselves while San and the forest gods who has been nurturing us since the dawn of time.
symbolize nature which is hurt due to human actions
and wants to get rid of humans as a whole. Duru Şengöçmen
Ashitaka , on the other hand, is the only person
comprehending the fact that to obtain and sustain
peace both humans and nature have to coexist together
as a whole and that neither should be destroyed
entirely. Which makes both Lady Eboshi, who had
given him shelter, and San, who he befriended, stand
up to Eboshi.
At the end of the movie the army of Lady Eboshi
manages to kill the Forest spirit by cutting off his
head which almost results in killing the population of