Page 16 - Annonce Dergi | İzmir Özel Saint-Joseph Fransız Lisesi
P. 16
Before Sunrise
In most of the romance movies and books, there same time, and makes us wait with patience
is a girl, apparently, who waits for the love of her for them to experience something. There is a
life; and a boy who is “the saver”/ the lover. Or wonderful scene in the listening booth of a music
even worse, the trophy of rich man, poor girl/the store, where each one looks at the other, and
opposite of it which I do not find realistic and tired then looks away, so as not to be caught. It has
of watching/ reading. a really special place in my heart, as I had the
exact moment with someone in summer.
I especially wanted to talk about this movie,
which means a lot to me as a whole, which has The city of Vienna is presented as series of
not these types of clichés, even if it has; you do meetings. They meet fortunetellers, street poets,
not actually concentrate on the situation but the amateur actors and friendly bartenders.
conversations. I don’t know how many movies
are there in the industry like this, or if they could They spend some time in church at midnight.
make me feel the same. They drink wine in a park. They find a way to learn
personal information by holding imaginary phone
At first glance yes, it’s a romance movie. Is love calls with imaginary best friends. They talk about
even real that we’re watching these to make making love.
ourselves believe that it is. It really makes you feel The more you want to feel something that they
a certain way that even if you are a nonbeliever share, more you want to be in their situation, more
upon this feeling, you want to experience a thing you want to be like them.
like this.
It feels like a warm hug, makes you want to
There is nothing but simplicity. It’s mostly experience ‘love’ even if it’s not real in our
conversation between two people in their generation.
20s, who wander the city of Vienna from mid- In parallel with my experiences, it’s one of the
afternoon until the following dawn. movies that made me feel a lot. It’s well worth
As they walk and talk, we learn something different your time. I recommend everyone to watch it.
and special, which makes us miss nowadays,
especially in romantic relationships. Zeynep Güngör
The movie is like real life- like a documentary
with an invisible camera.They talk about nothing
spectacular. They talk about parents, death,
former boyfriends and girlfriends, and music.
A sexual attraction is obviously present between
them which makes us nervous but excited at the