Page 26 - Annonce Dergi | İzmir Özel Saint-Joseph Fransız Lisesi
P. 26
Republic and
Theatre has been one of the most popular means of
entertainment for centuries because of its fun, relaxing
atmosphere. But in reality, theatre holds much more
importance than what it may initially seem. For some, it The plays mostly consisted of comedy without much
may only look like a fun way of spending ones evening. mentions of controversial issues like politics or religion.
But historically, the art of theatre has been used to Some artists who wished to change this sought to establish
educate people by giving them the opportunity to know a new sense of theatre consisting of different topics and
themselves and question what’s around them. And since perspectives. Of course, since theater was causing
the theater is this fundamental in an independent and people to gather new ideas and question their beliefs,
harmonious society, it is only natural that it will be limited this wish resulted in a long period where theatre and all
or even cut down in certain time periods. Because free forms of expression of art were heavily restricted.
theatre represents people; what they think, why do they This type of approach was put in law to prevent the new
do what they do and what do they want. ideas from being introduced and to keep the masses
Even though a form of theatre already existed within uninformed from developments.
the Turkish culture, known as ‘’ortaoyunu’’ or ’’hacıvat This chain was finally broken during the times of the
karagöz’’, the modern theatre that we know today National Struggle for Independence where people
was foreign to Turks for a long time. Hovewer, during used theatre, sometimes in secret, to communicate
the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire, a more and to exchange the message of independence. As
western style of theatre was introduced as a part of the the war officially started, theatre was popular again to
westernization movement; which at the time was seen give courage and to fuel the national sentiments of the
as a way to save the empire from its demise. When it was public. Everywhere across the fallen Empire these plays
first introduced, the plays were performed by foreigners were performed, new ideas and revolutions were being
and staged in foreign languages. Which of course discussed and people were becoming conscious of the
appealed much more to the foreigners in the Ottoman situation they were living in. As people fought, new stories
Empire rather than the actual citizens. But with the efforts and plays were introduced, new epics were being written
of the people, this new form of entertainment became and people found comfort in the integrative structure of
increasingly popular. Soon, Turks also began to write and theatre; which finally managed to fulfill its purpose of
perform their own plays, embracing the art of theatre. bringing people together to fight for a better future.
At the end, in 29 October 1923, The Republic of
Türkiye was officially founded after countless sacrifices
made by the people of Türkiye, led by Mustafa Kemal
Atatürk. Who, with his whole heart supported all forms of
art and made sure in this newly established country, the
value of art and artists were recognized. Finally, thanks to
all of his efforts, today theatre is free from all restrictions
for people to learn and to enjoy, and all that is left for us
people to do is to protect and celebrate the freedom
he established.
Duru Özek