Page 21 - Annonce Dergi | İzmir Özel Saint-Joseph Fransız Lisesi
P. 21
A Steet Cat Named Bob
Five years ago, I found this book gathering dust most was that not only was the book based on a
on my bookshelf. I had no idea how it got there. true story, but that Bob The Cat actually existed.
Maybe it was a gift, or I had bought it some time As I researched more and more, I found out that this
ago and simply forgotten it existed, or maybe it wasn’t the end of their journey; there were sequels,
had appeared out of thin air. It looked stiff, unread children’s versions, picture books, interviews,
and, to be honest, not particularly interesting. movies... Together, they did it all. James, a heroin
Nevertheless, I grabbed it and began to read it addict, became a best-selling author, and Bob was
against my preconceptions. At first, the book very happy with his companion.
looked long and boring, but as the story went on, From then on, I’ve recommended this book
nothing could take the book off of my hands. countless times. My friend at school heard about
The story revolves around a struggling artist named Bob and so did my parents (and all their friends).
James Bowen who was trying to make his way in I couldn’t let the book go. I read it again, and then
life and Bob the cat who is searching for a place to again. And again. “A Street Cat Named Bob” is one
spend the night. From the moment they met, they of those books that you take more and more to
were inseparable. So much so that Bob’s favorite your heart every time you read it.
place in the whole world was Bowen’s shoulder, I really love this book and I hope that I was able
he would sit around while James went about his to convince at least one person to read this
daily life with Bob on his shoulders, especially rollercoaster of emotions.
when he was playing music on the street to earn Rüzgar Uygun
some spare change. This of course helped him to
gain a bigger audience and get enough money to
get a dinner for two; one plate for him and one for
It was fascinating how a single cat could have such
an impact on a person and help him get his life
back on track. At the time, I heard people talking
about addiction, and I learned the struggle it is
through the internet, but I couldn’t comprehend
how hard it was until I read this book. What
shocked me at first was that all the characters,
their relationships, and the conversations they had
were extremely life-like. But what shocked me the